Monday, July 6, 2015

Jordan Jereb the terrorist cult leader

TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA- There is a major disrupted in our midst, One that has acquired an almost messianic reputation in the minds of certain highschool dropouts, Homeless people, Trailer trash, and assorted missfits and loosers. His figure is synonymous with stochastic terrorism and his rhetoric has extremely violent undertones. Some of the worst criminal acts taking place in Tallahassee Fl. can be layed directly at his feet- Though his little ninja gimmicks keep the light of justice from shining on him. 

And yet unsophisticated minds continue to imbue him with romantic power, Giving him dangerous poetic labels such as "Speartip" and "The paver of the way to freedom". Let me remind everyone of the dangers of this rhetoric. 

If you witness this so called, "Speartip" doing something illegal- Report him. No more ambivalence or fear of reporting him. The law will find ways to protect you. 

It cannot go unnoticed that Jereb's cohorts have been arrested- There is a good chance this may prompt some to question their allegiance to the ROF and its allies, Maybe even prompt some to turn him in (or turn Jereb to the side of law in order, as he could be an asset to investigating right wingers if you can scare the shit out of him to avoid prison time.) We cannot count on such developments though- Jereb's reputation is such that other desperate rebels are likely to grant him a great deal of license in the spirit of spreading general chaos and terror. 

You have plunged Tallahassee's political climate into freefall. How could a bunch of kids with their cult leader slip through your fingers time and time again? How is it possible? This is not some Agent Provocateur or highly experienced career criminal we are talking about. Jordan Jereb is a mentally ill neckbeard who dropped out of highschool and moved into a motel. 

The man you have consistently failed to slow let alone charge with substantial crimes is by all accounts an ordinary man with a few ninja gimmicks and guerilla war pamplets. How could you have failed to stick him in prison? 

Hey Jereb, 
Make no mistake Jereb- This is not a "Good fight" you have started- This is DEATH and Finality. Stop while you still can before you send tons of innocent people to prison doing your dirty work. You will continue to deny it and people will continue to say I'm a cook- But your plans will not succeed!!!!!!   

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