Friday, August 21, 2015

League Of The South Connection to ROF Militia?

In short, SPLC hit the nail on the head. 
Its obvious who has allegiance with who, Jereb by every indication gets a kick out of ROF's association with LS while LS does its best to hide its association. its a pretty funny cat and mouse game that is pretty darn obvious even from the outside looking in. Jerebs various media outlets (Apparently he teaches people how to edit video for youtube) have all done videos strongly associating LS with ROF, While LS has done its best to deny ROF's existence entirely inspite of being in pictures right next to uniformed high-ranking ROF's. Funny how these biggoted people who claim to love their people so much throw eachother under the bus. Both LS and ROF have worked against eachother big time- Dunking eachother under the water for quick gain. 

Many have written on this topic, And I thought I'd put in my 2 cents. Other bloggers who wish to maintain anonymity such as Spelunker have brushed on this topic- But not gone in depth like I am about to. But before I do that, I must point out some recent observations based on word of mouth and leaked internal documents.

1. The ROF is now spending its money better 
In the past, Under the command of Jordan Jereb, Fundraising money would reportedly often be pissed away into frat boy parties, ordering large amounts of Pizza and alcoholic beverages- under the guise of "Recruiting events", But no longer. According to my source "They are getting rid of the motel rooms and attempting to get mortgage loans." 

2. They have more money, And they aren't saying how they got it. 
YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST- ROF will have lots of new shiny banners and uniforms in the coming weeks. Where are they getting this money from? The higher ups aren't talking according to my source. Perhaps the money is coming from League Of The South? Perhaps they are coming from the big city lawyer friends of Matthew Hiembach? Or perhaps criminal activity is racking in more cash? Your guess is as good as mine- But I place my bets on LS involvement. 

3. They want a more professional image. 
Probably under the influence of older more "Mature" nationalist, The ROF has made strides to become a more "cultured" organization. The plans are reportably to get solid color uniforms and use the immigration issue to rally more support... Hey- You know what--- That sounds kinda like...

The League Of The South 
Now lets compare them to...

You know, Maybe they are not working together and have totally separate agendas-

Then again- Maybe my Ant is really my uncle.

I'll leave this off with this-