Saturday, January 13, 2018

How Republic Of Florida weaponizes young women



The Republic Of Florida, Has a super secret squirrel intelligence program. This intelligence program has its own manuals and protocols of secrecy and a NETWORK OF SPIES.

The ROFID "Republic Of Florida Intelligence Division" Manual DOES exist, I really didn't know enough about it to ever right anything of it, Until now. The ROF has royally fucked up, Because they accidentally emailed it to me very easily, Simply by me impersonating an ROF member!!!!! 

We will go into this in a minute, But first, Remember Desarea? 

Anyway, Desarea likes wearing a leash and being Jordan Jereb's plaything, WHATEVER, I am not really concerend with what they do on their spare time, I think it makes them hypocrites to act like these really great "Nationalists" To engage in the very activities that more of their peers would call "Sexual degeneracy" but whatever, I'm not gonna judge. 

Where this story gets juicy, Is the manual these dueche canoes sent me had an instruction for women in ROFID for, And I qoute, CONDUCTING HONEYPOT OPERATIONS. And guess who was listed on an old roster for having performed such operations DESAREA!!! So I guess Jordan and Desarea are just engaging in a special kind of ROF training!!!!! HAHAHAHA

But in all seriousness, If this girl is contacting you, and being flitacious with you, And going by a name other than Desarea, She is trying to extract information from you. She will dye her hair and change her appearance as a means to get you to put your guard down. So if you work for any type of government agency, And this chick comes up to you and starts flirting with you, Use your common sense!!!!!! And understand that ROF has other girls that may also be engaged in this type of "Espionage." Though it is not clear what, If anything, They have gained from doing this, It is clear that they have done it in the past. 

The takeway: Desarea either is, Or has, Participated in "Honey Trap" Operations, Where she has had sex in order to get intelligence from who the hell knows who, and for who the hell knows what. Worst case scenario, They have the means to blackmale politicians, Best case scenario, Some guy got a free blowjob from ROF and gave away nothing of value. STAY SAFE AND SAY NO TO ROF. 

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