"Secession Commandos" an overlooked threat to national security?
"Secession Commandos", Probably the most extreme and often times most hidden members of the neo-confederate movement, Are among us. Those who adhere to the principals of "Southern Soldiers" have committed heinous crimes such as murder and robbery- Including the 1987 robbery of Fort Bragg- but we will get that one in a second. Ultra secret groups such as The Indomitables, The Southern Circle, And Tacida Sud as well as "Leaderless" cells that ROF Militia claims to have- are so secretive that even finding logos, graphics, and pictures for them is often difficult- but as an insider- I bring a few of these somewhat rare images front and center- As well as give my knowledge to how these groups operate to whoever will listen in hopes someone will take action against extremism.
Logistical capabilities: These groups do not believe in following the law, According to Micheal Hill- President of the League Of the South, Free men do not follow "Abstract Legalisms". This being said, Many secessionist arrogantly post videos of use of Semtex high explosives, TNT, being detonated, Full auto or "Bump fire assault rifles", Fake police badges and lights- And other highly illegal items
When confronted by authorities they simply say "We were in the company of people with class 5 licenses". Which technically cannot be refuted. For people that hate the law- They sure study it a lot.
(See video below)
The dangers of "Secessionist Commandos" are not on the decline, Though they were much much higher in the 1990's, There has been a resurgence following the removal of the confederate flag from the South Carolina statehouse.
Sympathy for Secession commandos cause has thus become a serious issue- And a great deal of license is now given to these groups as they recruit teens and parents alike. People who were once in "Heritage" organizations like Sons Of Confederate veterans, Are now quickly being radicalized into groups like the League of the South and Republic Of Florida- Often even further down the rabbit hole into outright terror organizations like the Southern Circle.
And yet the federal government continues to ignore these glaring threats to national security that often admittedly say "Were all gonna strike at once".
Key Players:
Micheal Tubbs
A Former Green Beret demolitions expert, vice chairman of the league's Northeast Florida chapter, and he's been photographed alongside league president Michael Hill. Tubbs has associated with the Florida SCV chapter and"Flags Across Florida" campaign, which seeks to line the state's roadways with Confederate battle flags. He has major ties to the Indomitable's as well Republic Of Florida groups. In 1987, prosecutors say Sgt. First Class Michael R. Tubbs and another Army Green Beret,packing rifles fitted with silencers and dressed completely in black, robbed two fellow soldiers of their M-16 rifles during a routine exercise at Fort Bragg, N.C. It is not known to what extent he is involved with "Secession commandos" but he is admittedly a survivalist and his troubling history should scare any rational person in context to who he surrounds himself with.
Micheal Tubbs refuses to comment on paramilitary activity- Making it more apparent that there is something to hide. It is in our hopes that more recent information about Tubb's activity will come to light, But its clear hes taking steps to remain in the shadows.
Chris Cedeno
Known for saying very offensive things about black people on a regular basis and parroting League of The South Propaganda, Chris is a member of multiple organizations and is a "Career activist". Chris leads the Miami branch of the Republic Of Florida, Which has as little as 3 members and certainly no more than 7. Chris is thought to have ties to Alpha 66, A terrorist organization who attacks cuban military installations. According to internal ROF sources- Alpha 66 and Miami ROF are sharing resources and training together in a compound in the everglades.
Chris is clearly brimming with anger and is thought by some to be a ticking timebomb. Watchdog organizations are keeping a close eye on him, and he has apparently been contacted by the department of homeland security about his threatening rhetoric.
Eric Meadows
Though it is not confirmed, Eric Meadows is thought to be the leader of The Indomitables. A veteran of both the U.S. Army and Navy, with 12 years of service, Meadows has been an active LOS member for years.His personal Facebook account is filled with neo-pagan iconography and photos of his weapons. He posts often about “earning” his red bootlaces — typically awarded in racist skinhead culture for drawing blood on behalf of “the movement”— and his ongoing desire to throw “boot parties” for enemies of the LOS. Meadows also has posted pictures of himself standing with assault rifles in front of a Confederate battle flag, and has frequently quoted Robert Barnwell Rhett, a South Carolina statesman who was dubbed the “Father of Secession” for his efforts leading up to the Civil War.
Though he has denounced those under the direction of Jordan Jereb, Eric Meadows may be involved in training ROF members down south, However, This is not confirmed. Unlike others in the League Of The South- Eric Meadows appears to subscribe to Pagan ideology- Like many of the those in Nicholas Jordan's "ROFMG".
Jordan Jereb
Leader of Tallahassee's Republic Of Florida. Nicknamed "Spearhead", Jereb has been considered by some to be an arrogant schoolyard terrorist And to others to be a source of inspiration. Jereb really only showed up on the neo-confederate scene recently, And is for the most part looked at as a kook even by large percentages of the movement, However, He has a very small, but growing group of dedicated followers. Jereb himself poses very little danger to anyone, The larger concern however is that there is no telling what he may direct his followers to do.
Jordan Jereb is said to have good public speaking abilities and uses graphic arts skills to promote his agenda. Though Jereb and his "Higher ups" such as CJ Taylor seem to operate openly and "Have nothing to hide" his underlings, Often Juveniles- Are encouraged to cover their faces on their videos and "Keep a low profile".
Jeff Mcail Senior
A retiree of CSX, Jeff Mcail Senior is believed to be a major financial contributor to the League Of The South, Republic Of Florida, Sons Of Confederate Veterans, And a host of other organizations. Jeff Mcail Senior used to be a major member of a meeting known as the "Flalga Fold" Flalga being a word combining the abbreviations of Florida, Georgia, and Alabama. His son, Jeff Mcail Jr is most notably a "Bum Basher" who used to sell DVD's in which he started fights with black homeless people in Gadsden, Alabama gun shows. Jeff Mcail is relatively harmless outside of his rumored weapons stockpile- The real concern is his willingness to finance groups with an axe to grind against the federal government.
Jeff Mcail senior is believed to host training events on his 17 Acre compound, Though this is not confirmed. Jeff Senior has been contacted by the media and numerous times in the late 90's but has always refused to comment. Not much is known about what he is currently doing.
Vince O'Connel
I almost didn't add him to this article, But another new notable face in the movement as far as what the internet shows, Vince apparently runs his own ROF training camp in Chattahoochee. I couldn't find much out about Vince but the photos he posts and his intentions on "Raising an army" in the northernmost part of Florida are unsettling. It is not known who he associates with, But he is the leader of the "11th Company ROF"- Which apparently is responsible for qoute "Teaching young women to become medics and snipers". Including a gal named Chelsea Kenny (Believed to be Jordan Jereb's ex girlfriend) who makes racist posts against Jews regularly.
According to Facebook information, Vince is married. It is possible Vince is using a false name online- Because when a law-enforcement buddy of mine looked him up we were unable to find him. I will cover him more in future posts.
Nicholas Jordan
Known as "Commander Boots" Nicholas Jordan heads an organization known as ROFMG- Unlike "Real Republic Of Florida" ROFMG prefers keeping secretive and quote "Not garnering unwanted attention from the sheep". Nicholas has been rumored to have many guns and many thousands of rounds of ammunition. "Commander Boots", According to the SPLC- Leads marches of people wearing tiger-stripe camo through suburbs in south Florida. It is uknown what Boots or the ROFMG are currently up to outside of their obvious feud with their counterparts to the north of them (Covered in a previous post).
Aside from being a ROF leader, Nicholas Jordan leads efforts of "Flagging" and is considered an all-around supporter of the neo-confederate movement. Like many in the "Commando" segment of the movement, He appears to subscribe to pagan beliefs.
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