Sunday, October 11, 2015

Interview with a RROF Private


Built on hatred 
 Armed men with Utopian dreams.

Keeping my source anonymous is a MUST. If his brothers discover his identity they could brutally beat him, if not kill him. You wont hear this from their PR TALKING HEADS, But its 
very true.  

How long have you been in the ROF? 
A couple months. Just got full membership from the rank of prospect. 

What makes you want to participate in this interview? 
I really wanna set the record strait on a few things and speak for myself even if my leaders disapprove because I feel like your giving us a bad rap. 

Why did you join? 
Liked the general ideology and open-mindedness of the organization, Yet the realism. A lot of "Survival" organization are politically correct and not tribal. I wanted that gang-like feeling but I also wanted to learn practical skills to defend myself from the neihborhood gangs (Not to mention protection) you guys in killearn might think lifes all good but some of us lives in ghettos and have no money. The blacks Harass us. 

So what is the goal here? Long term? 
I can only speak for myself. I want to get out there and solve the problems between our people and the freeloaders of society declining standards of living- Which I will do in the coming years

What do you mean solve the problems? 
You gotta use your imagination to find that one out. 
These words sounded particularly ominous in the midst of the paramilitary uniform, Multiple knives, A flare-gun, and scars on his face her refered to as "Battle Scars" He also wore red laces- A common symbol among white power skinheads. When asked about the red laces and racial rhetoric, He said its not purely about racism, But the right to identify and have self-determination. A common tactic of right-wing groups to deflect claims of being racist. He said he was not a nazi because nazis are socialist- Another phrase I feel he parroted from talking heads such as Jereb. 

What would make you quit?
A shit ton of money would make me quit, But then again I would probably donate a big portion of it to ROF (They have told me before that they are okay with quiters who financially support). When I get in fights with my parents, I have a place to run away to for the night. These people are my brothers and have always been there for me. There is no way in hell I will ever turn my back on them. 

Do the police know of your involvement? 
I have no fucking clue the extent of what the cops know. They stopped me and saw my Florida patches and asked if my dad was a police officer or a state worker. They certainly were aggressive when asking that question. I told them I was proud to be Floridian and they seemed to get more upset. They likely suspect my involvement, But I do not know- And frankly do not care. 

To protect my sources, I am leaving parts of the interview out. But this should give you a basic idea on whats going on here. These are scared desperate kids coming from impoverished family lives turning to right wing extremism and racism- This is being directed by criminals and old creepy men such as Jeremy Vause (Who we will write about soon) and Jordan Jereb. These people are now "Enforcing" their commands through big scary people like Jeremy (See video below) "Enforcer Vause" 

ROF Militia Secession Extremist Recruiting your kids?

ROF "Shock Trooper" photo found on instagram 

An ROF member showing off his gear on social media.

Understanding the threat 

ROF members are NOT limited to Tallahassee- They are all over Florida. Many of these groups are very overt when carrying out group activities- But some of them prefer to hide in the shadows. Though public relations talking heads such as Jordan Jereb say there is no recruiting going on in Highschools, The group photos that appear and number crunching involving membership lists I have seem to paint a very different picture.

The Tallahassee Police Department’s Special Victims Unit was seeking information on the location of 19-year-old Mitchell Strickland.
Strickland is 5’8”, 140 pounds, brown hair, brown eyes.
Mitchell was last seen on September 27th, in the 3200 Blk of Mound Drive, in Tallahassee, FL. He was last seen wearing a black tank top and camo pants. 
According to records, He turned up in Panama city after doing vehicle burglaries with several individuals dressed in paramilitary uniforms with Florida patches. 

Jordan Jereb of coarse- Who at this point is not worth mentioning. (See my previous posts covering him) As well as his second in command. "CJ Taylor" 

There is also a distrubing young trend of girls getting involved with ROF, and they are glad to brag about it, Here are just a few of the images we have gathered regarding this subject matter: 

Friday, September 18, 2015

Chris Cedeno - The Full picture.

Meet Chris Cedeno, Head of the Miami Republic Of Florida, Which by most accounts is a R R O F (Real Republic Of Florida) company. Here is Chris in the middle from a picture taken in 2014.

Of coarse nowadays hes a little more secret about his ROF membership, Considering hes also in the League Of The South 

When we asked Chris about his involvement with the ROF- He denied the ROF's existence literally claiming there was no such organization. This is a common tactic of ROF's who are acting under the radar. And it would make sense that Chris would deny the obvious and cease communication. This is even in one of the older ROF guides found on (The website they used when their organization was united). 

As plenty of other blogs have mentioned, Chris has very good things to say about black people on his Facebook wall. Often calling them niggers and other racial epithets. 

According to internal sources, Chris is not only in multiple secession organizations- He is also an all-around "Diplomat" mediating discussions between the vastly complicated networks of ROF cells + their relationship with the league of the south. 

In fact, I'm going to give a never before seen breakdown of this image: 
It was Explained to me in Detail that the peoples in this picture are CJ Taylor, Chris Cedeno, Jordan Jereb, And Stephen Warren, Whom was at the time Captain of the Wakulla Count ROF Militia and can allegedly be seen shopping and publix and working on his vehicle in Wakulla county while wearing his uniform. 

Chris Cedeno, Captian of Miami ROF, Right next to Captain of Tallahassee ROF and Wakulla ROF? 3 captians in one picture? 

What Chris Cedeno highlights is that we can level a brand new accusation- ROF is a satewide threat. It is NOT just in Tallahassee. Those who write the ROF of as a bunch of kids need to re-analzyze the situation. With just a bit of attention to detail (ranks etc) the ROF spells out that they are statewide, Brags about it, And in some reguards makes great pains to show their presences even if they appear to be secret or "Incognito". It should be noted that Tallahasee ROF while appearing to be the biggest company- May just be the company begging for the most attention. 

More effort will be put in this blog to study into Chris Cedeno. his many different habbits, As well as his alleged connection with Terrorist organization anti-fidel castro, Alpha 66. Later we will also explore rumors that he has access to speedboats and is planning on taking part in "ROFNOG" naval training. 

Want to track these loonies yourself? Here are some useful links.

Friday, August 21, 2015

League Of The South Connection to ROF Militia?

In short, SPLC hit the nail on the head. 
Its obvious who has allegiance with who, Jereb by every indication gets a kick out of ROF's association with LS while LS does its best to hide its association. its a pretty funny cat and mouse game that is pretty darn obvious even from the outside looking in. Jerebs various media outlets (Apparently he teaches people how to edit video for youtube) have all done videos strongly associating LS with ROF, While LS has done its best to deny ROF's existence entirely inspite of being in pictures right next to uniformed high-ranking ROF's. Funny how these biggoted people who claim to love their people so much throw eachother under the bus. Both LS and ROF have worked against eachother big time- Dunking eachother under the water for quick gain. 

Many have written on this topic, And I thought I'd put in my 2 cents. Other bloggers who wish to maintain anonymity such as Spelunker have brushed on this topic- But not gone in depth like I am about to. But before I do that, I must point out some recent observations based on word of mouth and leaked internal documents.

1. The ROF is now spending its money better 
In the past, Under the command of Jordan Jereb, Fundraising money would reportedly often be pissed away into frat boy parties, ordering large amounts of Pizza and alcoholic beverages- under the guise of "Recruiting events", But no longer. According to my source "They are getting rid of the motel rooms and attempting to get mortgage loans." 

2. They have more money, And they aren't saying how they got it. 
YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST- ROF will have lots of new shiny banners and uniforms in the coming weeks. Where are they getting this money from? The higher ups aren't talking according to my source. Perhaps the money is coming from League Of The South? Perhaps they are coming from the big city lawyer friends of Matthew Hiembach? Or perhaps criminal activity is racking in more cash? Your guess is as good as mine- But I place my bets on LS involvement. 

3. They want a more professional image. 
Probably under the influence of older more "Mature" nationalist, The ROF has made strides to become a more "cultured" organization. The plans are reportably to get solid color uniforms and use the immigration issue to rally more support... Hey- You know what--- That sounds kinda like...

The League Of The South 
Now lets compare them to...

You know, Maybe they are not working together and have totally separate agendas-

Then again- Maybe my Ant is really my uncle.

I'll leave this off with this-

Saturday, July 18, 2015

"Secession Commandos" an overlooked threat to national security?

"Secession Commandos", Probably the most extreme and often times most hidden members of the neo-confederate movement, Are among us. Those who adhere to the principals of "Southern Soldiers" have committed  heinous crimes such as murder and robbery- Including the 1987 robbery of Fort Bragg- but we will get that one in a second. Ultra secret groups such as The Indomitables, The Southern Circle, And Tacida Sud as well as "Leaderless" cells that ROF Militia claims to have- are so secretive that even finding logos, graphics, and pictures for them is often difficult- but as an insider- I bring a few of these somewhat rare images front and center- As well as give my knowledge to how these groups operate to whoever will listen in hopes someone will take action against extremism.

Logistical capabilities: 
These groups do not believe in following the law, According to Micheal Hill- President of the League Of the South, Free men do not follow "Abstract Legalisms". This being said, Many secessionist arrogantly post videos of use of Semtex high     explosives, TNT, being detonated, Full auto or "Bump fire assault rifles", Fake police badges and lights- And other highly illegal items

When confronted by authorities they simply say "We were in the company of people with class 5 licenses". Which technically cannot be refuted. For people that hate the law- They sure study it a lot.

(See video below)

The dangers of "Secessionist Commandos" are not on the decline, Though they were much much higher in the 1990's, There has been a resurgence following the removal of the confederate flag from the South Carolina statehouse. 

Sympathy for Secession commandos cause has thus become a serious issue- And a great deal of license is now given to these groups as they recruit teens and parents alike. People who were once in "Heritage" organizations like Sons Of Confederate veterans, Are now quickly being radicalized into groups like the League of the South and Republic Of Florida- Often even further down the rabbit hole into outright terror organizations like the Southern Circle. 

And yet the federal government continues to ignore these glaring threats to national security that often admittedly say "Were all gonna strike at once". 

Key Players: 

Micheal Tubbs 
A Former Green Beret demolitions expert, vice chairman of the league's Northeast Florida chapter, and he's been photographed alongside league president Michael Hill. Tubbs has associated with the Florida SCV chapter and"Flags Across Florida" campaign, which seeks to line the state's roadways with Confederate battle flags. He has major ties to the Indomitable's as well Republic Of Florida groups.  In 1987, prosecutors say Sgt. First Class Michael R. Tubbs and another Army Green Beret,packing rifles fitted with silencers and dressed completely in black, robbed two fellow soldiers of their M-16 rifles during a routine exercise at Fort Bragg, N.C. It is not known to what extent he is involved with "Secession commandos" but he is admittedly a survivalist and his troubling history should scare any rational person in context to who he surrounds himself with. 
Micheal Tubbs refuses to comment on paramilitary activity- Making it more apparent that there is something to hide. It is in our hopes that more recent information about Tubb's activity will come to light, But its clear hes taking steps to remain in the shadows. 

Chris Cedeno 
Known for saying very offensive things about black people on a regular basis and parroting League of The South Propaganda, Chris is a member of multiple organizations and is a "Career activist". Chris leads the Miami branch of the Republic Of Florida, Which has as little as 3 members and certainly no more than 7. Chris is thought to have ties to Alpha 66, A terrorist organization who attacks cuban military installations. According to internal ROF sources- Alpha 66 and Miami ROF are sharing resources and training together in a compound in the everglades. 

Chris is clearly brimming with anger and is thought by some to be a ticking timebomb. Watchdog organizations are keeping a close eye on him, and he has apparently been contacted by the department of homeland security about his threatening rhetoric. 

Eric Meadows  
Though it is not confirmed, Eric Meadows is thought to be the leader of The Indomitables. A veteran of both the U.S. Army and Navy, with 12 years of service, Meadows has been an active LOS member for years.His personal Facebook account is filled with neo-pagan iconography and photos of his weapons. He posts often about “earning” his red bootlaces — typically awarded in racist skinhead culture for drawing blood on behalf of “the movement”— and his ongoing desire to throw “boot parties” for enemies of the LOS. Meadows also has posted pictures of himself standing with assault rifles in front of a Confederate battle flag, and has frequently quoted Robert Barnwell Rhett, a South Carolina statesman who was dubbed the “Father of Secession” for his efforts leading up to the Civil War.
Though he has denounced those under the direction of Jordan Jereb, Eric Meadows may be involved in training ROF members down south, However, This is not confirmed. Unlike others in the League Of The South- Eric Meadows appears to subscribe to Pagan ideology- Like many of the those in Nicholas Jordan's "ROFMG". 

Jordan Jereb
Leader of Tallahassee's Republic Of Florida. Nicknamed "Spearhead", Jereb has been considered by some to be an arrogant schoolyard terrorist And to others to be a source of inspiration. Jereb really only showed up on the neo-confederate scene recently, And is for the most part looked at as a kook even by large percentages of the movement, However, He has a very small, but growing group of dedicated followers. Jereb himself poses very little danger to anyone, The larger concern however is that there is no telling what he may direct his followers to do. 

Jordan Jereb is said to have good public speaking abilities and uses graphic arts skills to promote his agenda. Though Jereb and his "Higher ups" such as CJ Taylor seem to operate openly and "Have nothing to hide" his underlings, Often Juveniles- Are encouraged to cover their faces on their videos and "Keep a low profile". 
Jeff Mcail Senior 
A retiree of CSX, Jeff Mcail Senior is believed to be a major financial contributor to the League Of The South, Republic Of Florida, Sons Of Confederate Veterans, And a host of other organizations. Jeff Mcail Senior used to be a major member of a meeting known as the "Flalga Fold" Flalga being a word combining the abbreviations of Florida, Georgia, and Alabama. His son, Jeff Mcail Jr is most notably a "Bum Basher" who used to sell DVD's in which he started fights with black homeless people in Gadsden, Alabama gun shows. Jeff Mcail is relatively harmless outside of his rumored weapons stockpile- The real concern is his willingness to finance groups with an axe to grind against the federal government. 
Jeff Mcail senior is believed to host training events on his 17 Acre compound, Though this is not confirmed. Jeff Senior has been contacted by the media and numerous times in the late 90's but has always refused to comment. Not much is known about what he is currently doing.

Vince O'Connel 
I almost didn't  add him to this article, But another new notable face in the movement as far as what the internet shows, Vince apparently runs his own ROF training camp in Chattahoochee. I couldn't find much out about Vince but the photos he posts and his intentions on "Raising an army" in the northernmost part of Florida are unsettling. It is not known who he associates with, But he is the leader of the "11th Company ROF"- Which apparently is responsible for qoute "Teaching young women to become medics and snipers". Including a gal named Chelsea Kenny (Believed to be Jordan Jereb's ex girlfriend) who makes racist posts against Jews regularly.  
According to Facebook information, Vince is married. It is possible Vince is using a false name online- Because when a law-enforcement buddy of mine looked him up we were unable to find him. I will cover him more in future posts. 

Nicholas Jordan 

Known as "Commander Boots" Nicholas Jordan heads an organization known as ROFMG- Unlike "Real Republic Of Florida" ROFMG prefers keeping secretive and quote "Not garnering unwanted attention from the sheep". Nicholas has been rumored to have many guns and many thousands of rounds of ammunition. "Commander Boots", According to the SPLC- Leads marches of people wearing tiger-stripe camo through suburbs in south Florida. It is uknown what Boots or the ROFMG are currently up to outside of their obvious feud with their counterparts to the north of them (Covered in a previous post).

Aside from being a ROF leader, Nicholas Jordan leads efforts of "Flagging" and is considered an all-around supporter of the neo-confederate movement. Like many in the "Commando" segment of the movement, He appears to subscribe to pagan beliefs.


Thursday, July 9, 2015


Though their public images would promote "Floridian Unity", Behind the scenes- The war drums appear to be banging as the 2 largest ROF factions test each others patience. 

Many leaders of the various "ROF" groups have criticized the federal government for being a "Bureaucratic nightmare" This is very Ironic considering the ROF as an organization (If you can even call it that) has so many factions and subgroupings that even the leaders shrug their shoulders when asked how its organized. Jereb insists the ROF is a "Autonomous and self organizing idea made up of many organizations). Nicholas Jordan has said in the past that ROF should be one unified organization, Chattahoochee ROF head Vince Oconnel said "There shouldn't be any leaders at all and it should be based on voluntary cooperation explicitly"

It all sounds kinds silly right? 

Well, To a normal sane person it might- But to the various ROF factions it has stirred standoffish feelings- According to some reports, Even spawning some to make death threats against each other. 

ROF cell skirmishes and disagreements happen very regularly- But let me direct your attention to 2 organizations that claim to have over a dozen cells in their mantle. (The numbers are probably much much smaller) . The Republic Of Florida Militia Group and the Real Republic Of Florida. Both of them seem to have a thing for crossing of guns? (Just making a strange observation of their logos). 

I really don't have a lot of this on good authority, But for law enforcement and other concerned citizens reading this- I've come up with this: 

Tampa, Riverview, Orlando, Seminole County 

Tallahassee, Wakulla, Chattahoochee, Miami

Source: Documentation on ROF websites such as http://RROF.Tk Word of mouth  

Both organizations seem to have recruited white supremacists into their ranks. ROFMG seems to be less likely to take pictures and make youtube videos and seems to be made up of older people. RROF appears volatile and filled with teenage angst, Is less organized, And seems more likely to be involed in criminal activity. 

I have further developments on the growing domestic threat of ROF groups- And I plan on making posts about what ROF and other radical groups in FL and Tallahassee are up to. I also will be making an entry on how to keep your children from joining these groups- Because they ARE TARGETING YOUNG PEOPLE. I can't stress that enough. 



Monday, July 6, 2015

Jordan Jereb the terrorist cult leader

TALLAHASSEE FLORIDA- There is a major disrupted in our midst, One that has acquired an almost messianic reputation in the minds of certain highschool dropouts, Homeless people, Trailer trash, and assorted missfits and loosers. His figure is synonymous with stochastic terrorism and his rhetoric has extremely violent undertones. Some of the worst criminal acts taking place in Tallahassee Fl. can be layed directly at his feet- Though his little ninja gimmicks keep the light of justice from shining on him. 

And yet unsophisticated minds continue to imbue him with romantic power, Giving him dangerous poetic labels such as "Speartip" and "The paver of the way to freedom". Let me remind everyone of the dangers of this rhetoric. 

If you witness this so called, "Speartip" doing something illegal- Report him. No more ambivalence or fear of reporting him. The law will find ways to protect you. 

It cannot go unnoticed that Jereb's cohorts have been arrested- There is a good chance this may prompt some to question their allegiance to the ROF and its allies, Maybe even prompt some to turn him in (or turn Jereb to the side of law in order, as he could be an asset to investigating right wingers if you can scare the shit out of him to avoid prison time.) We cannot count on such developments though- Jereb's reputation is such that other desperate rebels are likely to grant him a great deal of license in the spirit of spreading general chaos and terror. 

You have plunged Tallahassee's political climate into freefall. How could a bunch of kids with their cult leader slip through your fingers time and time again? How is it possible? This is not some Agent Provocateur or highly experienced career criminal we are talking about. Jordan Jereb is a mentally ill neckbeard who dropped out of highschool and moved into a motel. 

The man you have consistently failed to slow let alone charge with substantial crimes is by all accounts an ordinary man with a few ninja gimmicks and guerilla war pamplets. How could you have failed to stick him in prison? 

Hey Jereb, 
Make no mistake Jereb- This is not a "Good fight" you have started- This is DEATH and Finality. Stop while you still can before you send tons of innocent people to prison doing your dirty work. You will continue to deny it and people will continue to say I'm a cook- But your plans will not succeed!!!!!!