Friday, June 9, 2017

ROF Militia feeling the heat after media coverage

For the first time ever, The Republic Of Florida in Tallahassee is unable to flagrantly operate doing whatever the hell it pleases without consequence. The ROF wanted press coverage so bad, But it seems the press coverage it received may be coffin nails for the organization. The general public backlash is ENORMOUS. People are going as far as to label the ROF what it is- A terrorist group.  

ROF Militia has desperately done every thing it can to get media coverage, But at a price. The popularity they have gained has lead to many of their facebook accounts and youtube accounts, Including those of Jordan Jereb, To be deleted. ROF is systematically getting erased from the internet because anti-racists are being more vigilant and simply flagging their hatred for what it is. 

The media mentioned the meeting they were going to host, My sources say they have postponed the meeting. All in all ROF is finally suffering defeats. They have reached a critical mass. You cant just parade around the community in tactical gear waving flags and pretending to be neighborhood security and preach racial hatred and stay on mainstream social media. 

The bad news is, ROF is pretty much an official mid-sized hate group, An ugly eyesore in Tallahassee. The good news is they have lost control of the narrative and nobody in their right mind is going to finance them not knowing what they are financing. The days of them holding up a yellow banner and wearing uniforms that look somewhat like the armed forces and people giving them money and them not knowing what they are actually giving money to are over. When  you have signs that say generic messages like "Freedom isn't free" and then hold a helmet upside down for people to put money in it, It's borderline stolen valor. It does not matter if a few veterans are in your ranks or not. 

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Republic Of Florida - Coming to a hotel near you.

Does ROF Do security for hotel buildings? 
Do they hold secret meetings in hotels? 
Sounds crazy, But lets examine the evidence. 

The right wing has been yammering on about "Bilderberg", I thought I would do an investigation of my own into secret societies congregating at hotels. You know who else has secret meetings about "Taking over everything" and "Infiltrating government" at hotels? 

Well, None other than the racist, Anti-Semitic, Cult known as the Republic Of Florida! 

There is going to be a June 10th meeting, While this meeting isn't taking place at a hotel, Previous ones have. As a matter of fact, A source of mine that worked at a Days Inn (I am not going to say which one to keep his identity safe), Claimed that ROF not only resided for a long term at the days in, But actually unofficially provided security for the building, And got "Payed" in discounts, Free rooms, Coupons, food, And other things of value to do "Routine security that we would normally hire out private security contractors to do like patrol the buildings perimeter with flashlights and observe and report to us at the front desk what they were seeing." They claimed that and I qoute "The ROF would supplement the actual full-time security, We asked them not to wear camo while doing this, They had green and black tactical dress which we found acceptable. We gave them these cheap hats that said "Security" That we literally got from a dollar store."  This is obviously against Days Inn corporate policies, But the lower levels didn't care that it was going on.  

"They already had private security badges and tactical dress. All they didn't have was the hats, Which were literally sold at dollar stores. It was actually kinda cool, We thought they were like oathkeepers. We didn't know they were white separatists or we wouldn't have allowed it." 

Jordan Jereb and armed goonies wearing hats that say security skulking around hotel parking lots??? 

I'm not going to lie. I found this story very hard to believe. I thought my source was yanking my chain, Until I remembered an image I saw somewhere, And I looked through my files for hours trying to dig this up, ROF has made this image not so easy to find- That changes today: 

This image is pretty old, But this seems to confirm more ore less the story about the "They tried to wear camo at first". 

ROF As private security????? WHAT? 

Seems that a vigilant citizen after my own heart realized this even before I did: 

Jereb, Who clearly viewed this narrative being placed on Woodsprings Suites as a threat to his and ROF's Business interests, Was quick to respond: 

Jereb claiming anyone is a payed agitator is actually hilarious. And I laughed for a good minute and a half before I could continue reading. Now, I do not know if Jay Godin has ever stayed in Woodsprings or not, Or if a black person is in fact standing up for "Free speech" or not in this situation, So I wont go into that because I don't have evidence to support or destroy either of those claims. Nor will I insist that ROF is security for wood springs suites, That would be dishonest of me, Because I do not know. What I do know is in the discussions that aren't taped and put on youtube, Jereb and other ROF's are quite open about being willing to be contracted, debatebly illegally, as a "Security force". And its very clear that Jereb looks at himself, As do the others in ROF, As a "Security asset" to wherever it is they reside. 

They claim to be fighting crime and making people feel safer. The reality is they are dividing this community and tearing it apart, Making people distrust local businesses and law enforcement, who time and time again sides with them (ROF Claims to be the victim of the police but in reality all evidence suggest from their own propaganda that they work with the police) 

The Republic Of Florida Militia  On (Its just a fancy version of a wordpress), They talk about this June 10th meeting. Now, granted, This June 10th meeting is rumored to take place at a compound on the West side of town possibly property of Cpt Vause but this is not confirmed, And this meeting is what is known as a "Continuity" meeting and not a meeting for specific planning of operations, And more geared toward organizing the group to be more efficient/disciplined, It is still significant that a group in which many of its members are LIVING it motel rooms. These individuals are not poor either, Some of them have pensions because they are military vets. WHY would they do this? Law enforcement has been notified of this meeting and the racist acts that could possibly follow from it, LE is aware there is always historically speaking the potential for these meetings to end up forming violent plots, But the FBI has placed at least one informant in ROF to prevent this If I had to guess. That will not stop them from spreading their hate under the guise of "free speech".

Jereb is basically banned from Facebook for life, And gets his profile deleted every time he tries to make a new one, Which is great, but has some unforeseen consequences. This has actually made ROF a tad bit harder to track. Jeremy Vause's lips are sealed about June 10th. The leader of ROF's most notorious cell is known for discipline, and you simply cannot talk to him regarding ROF if your not in his inner circle. He wont even acknowledge the existence of ROF unless you are in the circle. We have tried everything, Including using attractive women as "Bait" to try to get him to talk about ROF. He will not do it, And a lot of times in a very real sense knows when he is being baited. He has been to prison and is simply not going to divulge any information we can use- But a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, And others have accidentally spilled the beans on some key components of this issue, And those they do business with haven't been so loyal. 

Perhaps running private security for hotels is part of how ROF makes its money. 

Desarea Morgan Millers, A known ROF Member, has been bragging on social media numerous times about how "ROF has the financial resources to do whatever it needs to do." Why is so much money being spent on motel rooms that cost roughly a thousand dollars a month to live at? She lives in Panama city, And she manages, one way or another, To openly, Defiantly, live the ROF lifestyle without taking any financial hit. We cannot find out her source of income. Nor can we find the source of income of this organization that is running professional looking blogs and hiring SEO to make sure their stuff comes up on google search results before my stuff /: At least I can say I have cost ROF more money. They would surely want me dead if they discovered my identity. Allegedly, Those in ROF who have jobs and are "Part of society" Are covering their faces on camera and during group photos. We asked CJ Taylor if he was still part of ROF, While he vehemently denied having any recent connection to the organization, He refused to renounce the organization citing the importance of quote "Loyalty." Could  this mean financial loyalty? 

You should look at my post about who keeps funding the ROF, And see first hand just how much money this organization blows through. I'll show you a few images here to give you a good idea: