Sunday, October 11, 2015

Interview with a RROF Private


Built on hatred 
 Armed men with Utopian dreams.

Keeping my source anonymous is a MUST. If his brothers discover his identity they could brutally beat him, if not kill him. You wont hear this from their PR TALKING HEADS, But its 
very true.  

How long have you been in the ROF? 
A couple months. Just got full membership from the rank of prospect. 

What makes you want to participate in this interview? 
I really wanna set the record strait on a few things and speak for myself even if my leaders disapprove because I feel like your giving us a bad rap. 

Why did you join? 
Liked the general ideology and open-mindedness of the organization, Yet the realism. A lot of "Survival" organization are politically correct and not tribal. I wanted that gang-like feeling but I also wanted to learn practical skills to defend myself from the neihborhood gangs (Not to mention protection) you guys in killearn might think lifes all good but some of us lives in ghettos and have no money. The blacks Harass us. 

So what is the goal here? Long term? 
I can only speak for myself. I want to get out there and solve the problems between our people and the freeloaders of society declining standards of living- Which I will do in the coming years

What do you mean solve the problems? 
You gotta use your imagination to find that one out. 
These words sounded particularly ominous in the midst of the paramilitary uniform, Multiple knives, A flare-gun, and scars on his face her refered to as "Battle Scars" He also wore red laces- A common symbol among white power skinheads. When asked about the red laces and racial rhetoric, He said its not purely about racism, But the right to identify and have self-determination. A common tactic of right-wing groups to deflect claims of being racist. He said he was not a nazi because nazis are socialist- Another phrase I feel he parroted from talking heads such as Jereb. 

What would make you quit?
A shit ton of money would make me quit, But then again I would probably donate a big portion of it to ROF (They have told me before that they are okay with quiters who financially support). When I get in fights with my parents, I have a place to run away to for the night. These people are my brothers and have always been there for me. There is no way in hell I will ever turn my back on them. 

Do the police know of your involvement? 
I have no fucking clue the extent of what the cops know. They stopped me and saw my Florida patches and asked if my dad was a police officer or a state worker. They certainly were aggressive when asking that question. I told them I was proud to be Floridian and they seemed to get more upset. They likely suspect my involvement, But I do not know- And frankly do not care. 

To protect my sources, I am leaving parts of the interview out. But this should give you a basic idea on whats going on here. These are scared desperate kids coming from impoverished family lives turning to right wing extremism and racism- This is being directed by criminals and old creepy men such as Jeremy Vause (Who we will write about soon) and Jordan Jereb. These people are now "Enforcing" their commands through big scary people like Jeremy (See video below) "Enforcer Vause" 

ROF Militia Secession Extremist Recruiting your kids?

ROF "Shock Trooper" photo found on instagram 

An ROF member showing off his gear on social media.

Understanding the threat 

ROF members are NOT limited to Tallahassee- They are all over Florida. Many of these groups are very overt when carrying out group activities- But some of them prefer to hide in the shadows. Though public relations talking heads such as Jordan Jereb say there is no recruiting going on in Highschools, The group photos that appear and number crunching involving membership lists I have seem to paint a very different picture.

The Tallahassee Police Department’s Special Victims Unit was seeking information on the location of 19-year-old Mitchell Strickland.
Strickland is 5’8”, 140 pounds, brown hair, brown eyes.
Mitchell was last seen on September 27th, in the 3200 Blk of Mound Drive, in Tallahassee, FL. He was last seen wearing a black tank top and camo pants. 
According to records, He turned up in Panama city after doing vehicle burglaries with several individuals dressed in paramilitary uniforms with Florida patches. 

Jordan Jereb of coarse- Who at this point is not worth mentioning. (See my previous posts covering him) As well as his second in command. "CJ Taylor" 

There is also a distrubing young trend of girls getting involved with ROF, and they are glad to brag about it, Here are just a few of the images we have gathered regarding this subject matter: